QTools  8.0.1
Collection of Host-Based Tools
No Matches
Getting Started

OverviewQP/Spy™ Software Tracing

Downloading & Installing QTools™

The recommended way of obtaining QTools™ is by downloading the QP-bundle™↑, which includes QTools™ as well as all QP Frameworks and also the QM™ modeling tool↑. The main advantage of obtaining QTools™ bundled together like that is that you get all components, tools and examples ready to go.

QP-bundle™↑ is the recommended way of downloading and installing QTools™.
It is also highly recommended that you keep checking the QP-bundle™ download page↑ for newer releases.

Alternatively, you can download QTools™ separately as described below.

Installing QTools™ on Windows

On Windows, you simply unzip the qtools-windows_<x.y.z>.zip archive to the installation folder of your choice; (C:\qp\qtools is the recommended default). After the installation, you still need to:

  • add the <qtools>\bin and <qtools>\MinGW\bin directories to the global PATH on your system, where <qtools> denotes the directory where you have installed QTools (e.g., C:\qp\qtools\bin;C:\qp\qtools\MinGW\bin).
Adding <qtools>\bin and <qtools>\MinGW\bin directories to your PATH will enable you to invoke all QTools utilities (like QSpy or QClean) by simply typing qspy or qclean at the command prompt, regardless of your current directory. This will come in handy, because typically you will not invoke qspy or qclean from the <qtools>\bin directory.
  • define the QTOOLS environment variable, for example:
set QTOOLS=C:\qp\qtools
Defining the QTOOLS environment variable is required to run QUTest Unit Testing and the QView Visualization and Monitoring utilities.

Installing QTools™ on POSIX (Linux/MacOS)

On POSIX (Linux/MacOS), you simply unzip the qtools-posix_<x.y.z>.zip archive to the installation folder of your choice (~/qp/qtools is the recommended default). After the installation, you still need to:

  • build the executables on your machine; The posix sub-directories for various tools contain the Makefiles, which build the tool and automatically copy it to the <qtools>/bin directory. For example, to build the qspy host utility, change to the <qtools>/qspy/posix directory and type make. (NOTE: the Makefile assumes that the gcc compiler is provided).
  • add the <qtools>/bin directory to the global PATH on your system, where <qtools> denotes the directory where you have installed QTools (e.g., ~/qp/qtools).
  • define the QTOOLS environment variable, for example:
export QTOOLS=~/qp/qtools
Defining the QTOOLS environment variable is required to run QUTest Unit Testing and QView Visualization and Monitoring utilities.

Directories and Files

The following annotated directory tree in the standard QTools™ distribution lists the top-level directories and files:

  • qtools
    • bin — binaries (executables and libraries)
    • qspy — QSPY tool for software tracing and testing
      • include — QSPY includes
      • source — QSPY sources
      • posix — QSPY port to POSIX (Linux, macOS)
      • py — Python support (QUTest)
      • win32 — QSPY port to Windows
    • The following directories are present in QTools for Windows only
    • qwin — QWin™ GUI Prototyping Toolkit
    • MinGW — GNU C/C++ toolset for Windows (32-bit)
    • gnu_arm-none-eabi — GNU ARM-EABI toolset for Windows
    • Python38 — Python 3.8 for Windows

OverviewQP/Spy™ Software Tracing