QP/C++  8.0.2
Real-Time Embedded Framework
No Matches
qp.hpp File Reference

QP/C++ platform-independent public interface. More...

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class  QP::QEvt
 Event class. More...
struct  QP::QMState
 State object for the QP::QMsm class (QM State Machine) More...
struct  QP::QMTranActTable
 Transition-Action Table for the QP::QMsm State Machine. More...
union  QP::QAsmAttr
 Attribute of for the QP::QAsm class (Abstract State Machine) More...
class  QP::QAsm
 Abstract State Machine class (state machine interface) More...
class  QP::QHsm
 Hierarchical State Machine class (QHsm-style state machine implementation strategy) More...
class  QP::QMsm
 Hierarchical State Machine class (QMsm-style state machine implementation strategy) More...
class  QP::QPSet
 Set of Active Objects of up to QF_MAX_ACTIVE elements. More...
class  QP::QSubscrList
 Subscriber List (for publish-subscribe) More...
class  QP::QPtrDis
class  QP::QActive
 Active object class (based on the QHsm implementation strategy) More...
class  QP::QMActive
 Active object class (based on QMsm implementation strategy) More...
class  QP::QTimeEvt
 Time Event class. More...
class  QP::QTicker
 "Ticker" Active Object class More...


namespace  QP
 QP/C++ framework.
namespace  QP::QF
 QF Active Object Framework.


#define QP_VERSION_STR   "8.0.2"
 Version string complying with Semantic Versioning
#define QP_VERSION   802U
 Version number for internal use (must correspond to QP_VERSION_STR)
#define QP_RELEASE   0x6AEAB45DU
 Encrypted current QP release for internal use (7.3.5 on 2024-05-31)
#define Q_UNUSED_PAR(par_)
 Helper macro to clearly mark unused parameters of functions.
#define Q_DIM(array_)
#define Q_UINT2PTR_CAST(type_, uint_)
 Perform cast from unsigned integer uint_ to pointer of type type_
#define Q_STATE_DECL(state_)
#define Q_STATE_DEF(subclass_, state_)
#define Q_HANDLED()
#define Q_UNHANDLED()
#define Q_EVT_CAST(subclass_)
#define Q_STATE_CAST(handler_)
#define QM_STATE_DECL(state_)
#define QM_ACTION_DECL(action_)
#define QM_STATE_DEF(subclass_, state_)
#define QM_ACTION_DEF(subclass_, action_)
#define QM_HANDLED()
 Macro to call in a QM state-handler when it handled an event. Applicable only to ::QMsm subclasses.
#define QM_UNHANDLED()
 Indicate that an internal transition has been "unhandled" due to a guard condition. Applicable only to ::QMsm subclasses.
#define QM_SUPER()
 Macro to call in a QM state-handler when it designates the superstate to handle an event. Applicable only to QP::QMSMs.
#define QM_STATE_NULL   (nullptr)
#define Q_ACTION_NULL   (nullptr)
#define INIT(qsId_)
#define DISPATCH(e_, qsId_)
#define Q_PRIO(prio_, pthre_)
#define Q_NEW(evtT_, sig_, ...)
#define Q_NEW_X(evtT_, margin_, sig_, ...)
#define Q_NEW_REF(evtRef_, evtT_)
#define Q_DELETE_REF(evtRef_)
#define PUBLISH(e_, sender_)
#define POST(e_, sender_)
 Invoke the direct event posting facility QP::QActive::post_()
#define POST_X(e_, margin_, sender_)
#define TICK_X(tickRate_, sender_)
#define TRIG(sender_)
#define TICK(sender_)
#define QF_CRIT_EXIT_NOP()


using int_t = int
 Alias for assertion-ID numbers in QP assertions and return from QP::QF::run()
using enum_t = int
using float32_t = float
 Alias for IEEE 754 32-bit floating point number.
using float64_t = double
 Alias for IEEE 754 64-bit floating point number.
using QP::QSignal = std::uint16_t
 The signal of event QP::QEvt.
using QP::QEvtPtr = QEvt const *
 Pointer to const event instances passed around in QP Framework.
using QP::QState = std::uint_fast8_t
 Type returned from state-handler functions.
using QP::QStateHandler = QState (*)(void * const me, QEvt const * const e)
 Pointer to a state-handler function.
using QP::QActionHandler = QState (*)(void * const me)
 Pointer to an action-handler function.
using QP::QXThreadHandler = void (*)(QXThread * const me)
 Pointer to an extended-thread handler function.
using QP::QPrioSpec = std::uint16_t
 Priority specification for Active Objects in QP.
using QP::QTimeEvtCtr = std::uint32_t
 Data type to store the block-size defined based on the macro QF_TIMEEVT_CTR_SIZE.
using QP::QPSetBits = std::uint32_t


std::uint_fast8_t QP::QF_LOG2 (QP::QPSetBits const bitmask) noexcept
void QP::QF::init ()
void QP::QF::stop ()
int_t QP::QF::run ()
void QP::QF::onStartup ()
void QP::QF::onCleanup ()
void QP::QF::psInit (QSubscrList *const subscrSto, enum_t const maxSignal) noexcept
void QP::QF::publish_ (QEvt const *const e, void const *const sender, std::uint_fast8_t const qsId) noexcept
void QP::QF::tick (std::uint_fast8_t const tickRate, void const *const sender) noexcept
std::uint_fast16_t QP::QF::getQueueMin (std::uint_fast8_t const prio) noexcept
void QP::QF::poolInit (void *const poolSto, std::uint_fast32_t const poolSize, std::uint_fast16_t const evtSize) noexcept
std::uint_fast16_t QP::QF::poolGetMaxBlockSize () noexcept
std::uint_fast16_t QP::QF::getPoolMin (std::uint_fast8_t const poolNum) noexcept
QEvtQP::QF::newX_ (std::uint_fast16_t const evtSize, std::uint_fast16_t const margin, enum_t const sig) noexcept
void QP::QF::gc (QEvt const *const e) noexcept
 Recycle a mutable (mutable) event.
QEvt const * QP::QF::newRef_ (QEvt const *const e, QEvt const *const evtRef) noexcept
void QP::QF::deleteRef_ (QEvt const *const evtRef) noexcept
template<class evtT_, typename... Args>
evtT_ * QP::QF::q_new (enum_t const sig, Args... args)
template<class evtT_, typename... Args>
evtT_ * QP::QF::q_new_x (std::uint_fast16_t const margin, enum_t const sig, Args... args)
template<class evtT_>
void QP::QF::q_new_ref (QP::QEvt const *const e, evtT_ const *&evtRef)
template<class evtT_>
void QP::QF::q_delete_ref (evtT_ const *&evtRef)
QEvtQP::QF::newXfromISR_ (std::uint_fast16_t const evtSize, std::uint_fast16_t const margin, enum_t const sig) noexcept
void QP::QF::gcFromISR (QEvt const *e) noexcept
void QF_onContextSw (QP::QActive *prev, QP::QActive *next)


char const QP::versionStr [24] = "QP/C++ " QP_VERSION_STR
constexpr enum_t QP::Q_USER_SIG {4}
constexpr std::uint_fast16_t QP::QF::NO_MARGIN {0xFFFFU}

Detailed Description

QP/C++ platform-independent public interface.

Backward Traceability
  • DVP_QP_MC4_D04_08: Directive 4.8(Advisory): If a pointer to a structure or union is never dereferenced within a translation unit then the implementation of the object should be hidden

Definition in file qp.hpp.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define QP_VERSION_STR   "8.0.2"

Version string complying with Semantic Versioning


QP_VERSION_STR is a zero-terminated version string in the form MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH compliant with Semantic Versioning.

  • 7.3.5-rc.1 — version 7.3.5 release-candidate-1
  • 7.3.5 — version 7.3.5 (final release)

Definition at line 34 of file qp.hpp.


#define QP_VERSION   802U

Version number for internal use (must correspond to QP_VERSION_STR)


QP_VERSION is an unsigned integer constant of the form MAJOR|MINOR|PATCH corresponding to QP_VERSION_STR, with digits merged together. For example QP_VERSION_STR == "7.3.5-rc.1" results in QP_VERSION == 735.

Definition at line 35 of file qp.hpp.


#define QP_RELEASE   0x6AEAB45DU

Encrypted current QP release for internal use (7.3.5 on 2024-05-31)


QP_RELEASE contains information about QP_VERSION (e.g., 735) and release date (e.g., 2023-06-30).

Definition at line 37 of file qp.hpp.


#define Q_UNUSED_PAR ( par_)

Helper macro to clearly mark unused parameters of functions.

Definition at line 98 of file qp.hpp.


#define Q_DIM ( array_)
(sizeof(array_) / sizeof((array_)[0U]))

Definition at line 99 of file qp.hpp.


#define Q_UINT2PTR_CAST ( type_,
uint_ )
(reinterpret_cast<type_ *>(uint_))

Perform cast from unsigned integer uint_ to pointer of type type_


This macro encapsulates the cast to (type_ *), which QP ports or application might use to access embedded hardware registers. Such uses can trigger PC-Lint "Note 923: cast from int to pointer" and this macro helps to encapsulate this deviation.

Definition at line 100 of file qp.hpp.


#define Q_STATE_DECL ( state_)
QP::QState state_ ## _h(QP::QEvt const * const e); \
static QP::QState state_(void * const me, QP::QEvt const * const e)
Event class.
Definition qp.hpp:119
std::uint_fast8_t QState
Type returned from state-handler functions.
Definition qp.hpp:150

Definition at line 414 of file qp.hpp.


#define Q_STATE_DEF ( subclass_,
state_ )
QP::QState subclass_::state_(void * const me, QP::QEvt const * const e) { \
return static_cast<subclass_ *>(me)->state_ ## _h(e); } \
QP::QState subclass_::state_ ## _h(QP::QEvt const * const e)

Definition at line 418 of file qp.hpp.


#define Q_HANDLED ( )

Indicate that an action has been "handled". Applies to entry/exit actions and to internal transitions in QP::QHsm state machines.

Backward Traceability
Q_STATE_DEF(ToasterOven, toasting) {
QP::QState status_;
switch (e->sig) {
case Q_ENTRY_SIG: {
PRINTF_S("%s;", "toasting");
status_ = Q_HANDLED(); // <===
. . .
return status_;
#define Q_STATE_DEF(subclass_, state_)
Definition qp.hpp:418
#define Q_HANDLED()
Definition qp.hpp:423

Definition at line 423 of file qp.hpp.


#define Q_UNHANDLED ( )

Indicate that an internal transition has been "unhandled" due to a guard condition. Applies to internal transitions in QP::QHsm state machines.


This macro must be called when a state-handler attempts to handle an event but a guard condition evaluates to 'false' and there is no other explicit way of handling the event. Applicable only to QP::QHsm subclasses.

Q_STATE_DEF(Philo, hungry) {
QP::QState status_;
switch (e->sig) {
. . .
case EAT_SIG: {
if (Q_EVT_CAST(TableEvt)->philoId == m_id) {
status_ = tran(&eating);
else {
status_ = Q_UNHANDLED(); // <===
. . .
return status_;
#define Q_EVT_CAST(subclass_)
Definition qp.hpp:426
#define Q_UNHANDLED()
Definition qp.hpp:424

Definition at line 424 of file qp.hpp.


#define Q_EVT_CAST ( subclass_)
(static_cast<subclass_ const *>(e))

Perform downcast of an event onto a subclass of QP::QEvt class_


This macro encapsulates the downcast of QP::QEvt pointers, which violates MISRA-C:2023 Rule 11.3(R). This macro helps to localize this deviation.

subclass_a subclass of QP::QEvt
The macro performs down-cast from the event pointer e.
Backward Traceability
Q_STATE_DEF(Table, serving) {
QP::QState status_;
switch (e->sig) {
. . .
case HUNGRY_SIG: {
std::uint8_t n = Q_EVT_CAST(TableEvt)->philoId; // <===
. . .
. . .
return status_;

Definition at line 426 of file qp.hpp.


#define Q_STATE_CAST ( handler_)
QState(*)(void *const me, QEvt const *const e) QStateHandler
Pointer to a state-handler function.
Definition qp.hpp:154

Perform cast to QP::QStateHandler.


This macro encapsulates the cast of a specific state handler function pointer to QP::QStateHandler, which violates MISRA:C-2023 Rule 11.1(R). This macro helps to localize this deviation.

handler_state handler (function pointer)
Backward Traceability
: QActive(Q_STATE_CAST(&initial)), // <===
m_timeEvt(this, TIMEOUT_SIG, 0U),
#define Q_STATE_CAST(handler_)
Definition qp.hpp:427

Definition at line 427 of file qp.hpp.


#define QM_STATE_DECL ( state_)
QP::QState state_ ## _h(QP::QEvt const * const e); \
static QP::QState state_(void * const me, QP::QEvt const * const e); \
static QP::QMState const state_ ## _s
State object for the QP::QMsm class (QM State Machine)
Definition qp.hpp:158

Definition at line 429 of file qp.hpp.


#define QM_ACTION_DECL ( action_)
QP::QState action_ ## _h(); \
static QP::QState action_(void * const me)

Definition at line 434 of file qp.hpp.


#define QM_STATE_DEF ( subclass_,
state_ )
QP::QState subclass_::state_(void * const me, QP::QEvt const * const e) {\
return static_cast<subclass_ *>(me)->state_ ## _h(e); } \
QP::QState subclass_::state_ ## _h(QP::QEvt const * const e)

Definition at line 438 of file qp.hpp.


#define QM_ACTION_DEF ( subclass_,
action_ )
QP::QState subclass_::action_(void * const me) { \
return static_cast<subclass_ *>(me)->action_ ## _h(); } \
QP::QState subclass_::action_ ## _h()

Definition at line 443 of file qp.hpp.


#define QM_HANDLED ( )

Macro to call in a QM state-handler when it handled an event. Applicable only to ::QMsm subclasses.

Definition at line 448 of file qp.hpp.


#define QM_UNHANDLED ( )

Indicate that an internal transition has been "unhandled" due to a guard condition. Applicable only to ::QMsm subclasses.


This macro must be called when a state-handler attempts to handle an event but a guard condition evaluates to 'false' and there is no other explicit way of handling the event.

Definition at line 449 of file qp.hpp.


#define QM_SUPER ( )

Macro to call in a QM state-handler when it designates the superstate to handle an event. Applicable only to QP::QMSMs.

Definition at line 450 of file qp.hpp.


#define QM_STATE_NULL   (nullptr)

Definition at line 451 of file qp.hpp.


#define Q_ACTION_NULL   (nullptr)

Macro to provide strictly-typed zero-action to terminate action lists in the transition-action-tables

Definition at line 452 of file qp.hpp.


#define INIT ( qsId_)

Definition at line 455 of file qp.hpp.


#define DISPATCH ( e_,
qsId_ )
dispatch((e_), (qsId_))

Definition at line 456 of file qp.hpp.


#define Q_PRIO ( prio_,
pthre_ )
(static_cast<QP::QPrioSpec>((prio_) | (pthre_) << 8U))
std::uint16_t QPrioSpec
Priority specification for Active Objects in QP.
Definition qp.hpp:465

Create a QP::QPrioSpec object to specify priority of an AO or a thread

[in]prio_QF priority [1..QF_MAX_ACTIVE]
[in]pthre_Preemption threshold [1..QF_MAX_ACTIVE]
The combined 16-bit priority specification (prio_ in bits [0..7] and pthre_ in bits [8..15].

Definition at line 1021 of file qp.hpp.


#define Q_NEW ( evtT_,
... )
(QP::QF::q_new<evtT_>((sig_), __VA_ARGS__))
evtT_ * q_new(enum_t const sig, Args... args)
Definition qp.hpp:959

Macro to allocate a dynamic event and asserting successful allocation.


This deprecated macro is equivalent to invoking the function template QP::QF::q_new<evtT_>(sig_, ...).

See also
[in]evtT_event type (class name) of the event to allocate
[in]sig_signal to assign to the newly allocated event
A valid event pointer of the type evtT_*.

Definition at line 1028 of file qp.hpp.


#define Q_NEW_X ( evtT_,
... )
(QP::QF::q_new_x<evtT_>((margin_), (sig_), __VA_ARGS__))
evtT_ * q_new_x(std::uint_fast16_t const margin, enum_t const sig, Args... args)
Definition qp.hpp:969

Macro to allocate a dynamic event without asserting successful allocation.


This deprecated macro is equivalent to invoking the function template QP::QF::q_new_x<evtT_>(margin_, sig_, ...).

See also
[in]evtT_event type (class name) of the event to allocate
[in]margin_number of events that must remain available in the given pool after this allocation. The special value ::QF_NO_MARGIN causes asserting failure in case event allocation fails.
[in]sig_signal to assign to the newly allocated event
An event pointer of the type evtT_* or nullptr if the event cannot be allocated with the specified margin_ of events still left in the event pool.

Definition at line 1029 of file qp.hpp.


#define Q_NEW_REF ( evtRef_,
evtT_ )
(QP::QF::q_new_ref<evtT_>(e, (evtRef_)))
void q_new_ref(QP::QEvt const *const e, evtT_ const *&evtRef)
Definition qp.hpp:983

Create a new reference of the current event e


This deprecated macro is equivalent to invoking the function template QP::QF::q_new_ref<evtT_>(e, evtRef).

See also
[in,out]evtRef_event reference to create
[in]evtT_event type (class name) of the event reference

Definition at line 1032 of file qp.hpp.


#define Q_DELETE_REF ( evtRef_)
do { \
QP::QF::deleteRef_((evtRef_)); \
(evtRef_) = nullptr; \
} while (false)

Delete the event reference


This deprecated macro is equivalent to invoking the function template QP::QF::q_new_ref<evtT_>(e, evtRef).

See also
[in,out]evtRef_event reference to delete

Definition at line 1033 of file qp.hpp.


#define PUBLISH ( e_,
sender_ )
publish_((e_), (sender_), (sender_)->getPrio())

Publish an event to all subscriber Active Objects.


If Q_SPY is defined, this macro calls QActive_publish_() with the sender_ parameter to identify the publisher of the event. Otherwise, sender_ is not used.

[in]e_pointer to the posted event
[in]sender_pointer to the sender object (actually used only when Q_SPY is defined)
The pointer to the sender_ object is not necessarily a pointer to an active object. In fact, if QACTIVE_PUBLISH() is called from an interrupt or other context, you can create a unique object just to unambiguously identify the sender of the event.

Definition at line 1039 of file qp.hpp.


#define POST ( e_,
sender_ )
post_((e_), QP::QF::NO_MARGIN, (sender_))
constexpr std::uint_fast16_t NO_MARGIN
Definition qp.hpp:922

Invoke the direct event posting facility QP::QActive::post_()


This macro asserts if the queue overflows and cannot accept the event.

[in]e_pointer to the event to post
[in]sender_pointer to the sender object.
The sender_ parameter is actually only used when QS software tracing is enabled (macro Q_SPY is defined). When QS software tracing is disabled, this macro does not use the sender_ parameter, so it does not need to be defined.
The sender_ parameter is actually only used when QS software tracing is enabled (macro Q_SPY is defined). When QS software tracing is disabled, this macro does not use the sender_ parameter, so it does not need to be defined.
See also
Backward Traceability
  • DVP_QP_MC4_R11_03A: Rule 11.3(Required): A cast shall not be performed between a pointer to object type and a pointer to a different object type (object-oriented upcast)
  • DVP-QP-PCLP-826: Suspicious pointer-to-pointer conversion (area too small)

Definition at line 1041 of file qp.hpp.


#define POST_X ( e_,
sender_ )
post_((e_), (margin_), (sender_))

Invoke the direct event posting facility QActive_post_() without delivery guarantee


This macro does not assert if the queue overflows and cannot accept the event with the specified margin of free slots remaining.

[in]e_pointer to the event to post
[in]margin_the minimum free slots in the queue, which must still be available after posting the event. The special value QF::NO_MARGIN causes asserting failure in case event posting fails.
[in]sender_pointer to the sender object.
'true' if the posting succeeded, and 'false' if the posting failed due to insufficient margin of free entries available in the queue.
The sender_ parameter is actually only used when QS tracing is enabled (macro Q_SPY is defined). When QS software tracing is disabled, the POST_X() macro does not pass the sender_ parameter, so the overhead of passing this extra parameter is entirely avoided.
The pointer to the sender object is not necessarily a pointer to an active object. In fact, if POST_X() is called from an interrupt or other context, you can create a unique object just to unambiguously identify the sender of the event.
Backward Traceability

Definition at line 1042 of file qp.hpp.


#define TICK_X ( tickRate_,
sender_ )
tick((tickRate_), (sender_))

Invoke the system clock tick processing QP::QTimeEvt::tick_()


This macro is the recommended way of invoking clock tick processing, because it provides the vital information for software tracing and avoids any overhead when the tracing is disabled.

[in]tickRate_clock tick rate to be serviced through this call
[in]sender_pointer to the sender object. This parameter is actually only used when QS software tracing is enabled (macro Q_SPY is defined)
When QS software tracing is disabled, the macro calls QTimeEvt::tick_() without the sender parameter, so the overhead of passing this extra parameter is entirely avoided.
The pointer to the sender object is not necessarily a pointer to an active object. In fact, when TICK_X() is called from an interrupt, you would create a unique object just to unambiguously identify the ISR as the sender of the time events.

Definition at line 1044 of file qp.hpp.


#define TRIG ( sender_)

Asynchronously trigger the QP::QTicker::trig_() AO to perform tick processing.


This macro is the recommended way to trigger clock tick processing, because it provides the vital information for software tracing and avoids any overhead when the tracing is disabled.

[in]sender_pointer to the sender object. This parameter is actually only used when QS software tracing is enabled (macro Q_SPY is defined)
When QS software tracing is disabled, the macro calls QTicker_trig_() without the sender parameter, so the overhead of passing this extra parameter is entirely avoided.
The pointer to the sender object is not necessarily a pointer to an active object. In fact, when QTICKER_TRIG() is called from an interrupt, you would create a unique object just to unambiguously identify the ISR as the sender of the time events.

Definition at line 1045 of file qp.hpp.


#define TICK ( sender_)
TICK_X(0U, (sender_))
#define TICK_X(tickRate_, sender_)
Definition qp.hpp:1044

Invoke the system clock tick processing for tick rate 0

Definition at line 1054 of file qp.hpp.


#define QF_CRIT_EXIT_NOP ( )

No-operation for exiting a critical section


In some QF ports the critical section exit takes effect only on the next machine instruction. If this next instruction is another entry to a critical section, the critical section won't be really exited, but rather the two adjacent critical sections would be merged. The QF_CRIT_EXIT_NOP() macro contains minimal code required to prevent such merging of critical sections in such merging of critical sections in QF ports, in which it can occur.

Definition at line 1057 of file qp.hpp.

Typedef Documentation

◆ int_t

using int_t = int

Alias for assertion-ID numbers in QP assertions and return from QP::QF::run()

Definition at line 92 of file qp.hpp.

◆ enum_t

using enum_t = int

Definition at line 94 of file qp.hpp.

◆ float32_t

using float32_t = float

Alias for IEEE 754 32-bit floating point number.

QP/C++ does not use floating-point types anywhere in the internal implementation, except in QS software tracing, where utilities for output of floating-point numbers are provided for application-specific trace records.

Definition at line 95 of file qp.hpp.

◆ float64_t

using float64_t = double

Alias for IEEE 754 64-bit floating point number.

QP/C++ does not use floating-point types anywhere in the internal implementation, except in QS software tracing, where utilities for output of floating-point numbers are provided for application-specific trace records.

Definition at line 96 of file qp.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ QF_onContextSw()

void QF_onContextSw ( QP::QActive * prev,
QP::QActive * next )