Dining Philosophers Problem (DPP)Low-Power Example
The "Fly 'n' shoot" game example is a moderately advanced application of a vintage computer game. It requires a LCD screen and push-buttons on the board.
EFM32 Pearl-Geckob"Fly 'n' shoot" game and illustrates the following QP™ features, such as:
- multiple active objects;
- multiple passive state machines ("Orthogonal Components");
- multiple periodic time events;
- mutable events with parameters;
- direct event posting to active objects;
- publish-subscribe event delivery;
- developing of embedded software on Windows (see also QWin™ GUI Prototyping Toolkit↑ )
Fly 'n' Shoot game running on Windows
The "Fly 'n' Shoot" game example is described in the Application Note: Fly 'n' Shoot Game Example↑ .
Application Note: Fly 'n' Shoot Game Example
Fly'n'Shoot game tutorial video Dining Philosophers Problem (DPP)Low-Power Example