QM  7.0.1
Model-Based Design Tool
No Matches
Code Generation License Dialog Box

Manage Tools Dialog BoxCustomizing QM GUI

As mentioned in the section What's Special about QM, much of the simplicity of QM™ derives from the fact that the models you create with QM™ are based on one of the QP™ Real-Time Embedded Frameworks (RTEFs)↑. An important implication of this design is that the code generated by QM can only run within the QP™ RTEF, which means that such code must comply with the same licensing terms as the underlying QP Framework (qpc or qpcpp).

The structure of the Code Generation License Dialog Box reflects the dual-licensing↑ policy of the QP Frameworks. The dialog box allows you to choose between the two QP licensing options: (1) the open source GNU General Public License (GPL)↑, and (2) one of the traditional closed source commercial licenses↑.

The choice of the licensing option made in the Code Generation License Dialog Box is reflected in the top-level file comments generated by QM (see also Code Engineering).
Code Generation Toolbar with the license button

Open Source Projects

The following screen shot shows the Code Generation License Dialog Box when the open-source GPL license is selected:

Code Generation License Dialog (GPL License)
  • the Register Commercial QP License button allows you to register a commercial license. This button opens the standard file-open dialog box through which you locate the Quantum Leaps QP License Certificate file (file with extension .qlc), which is provided with your commercial license.

Closed Source Projects

Commercial license is registered by means of a QP License Certificate file that commercial Licensees receive with their license.

If you are a commercial licensee and for some reason you did not receive your QP License Certificate file, please send email with your license number to support@state-machine.com↑ to request your copy. Please provide your license number.

The following screen shot shows the Code Generation License Dialog Box when a commercial QP license is selected:

Code Generation License Dialog (Commercial License)
  • the Switch to GPL button allows you to switch back to the GPL open source license
  • the Change Commercial License button allows you to register a QP License Certificate file (file with extension .qlc)
The QP License Certificate is validated against the current date and the certificate is marked as expired if it is no longer valid.
Also, the QP License Certificate is validated against the QP Framework type and is marked as not covering the selected framework if that framework is not listed among the licensed "Framewrok(s)".
After registering a QP License Certificate, it is stored in the QM Model File. If the QP License Certificate file is updated (e.g., Support Term for the commercial license is extended), the QP License Certificate must be re-registered by means of the Code Generation License Dialog Box.

Manage Tools Dialog BoxCustomizing QM GUI