eXit Point represents a specific transition out of the Submachine Diagram. The eXit-Point provides an indirection layer to exiting a specific substate without exposing this substate or any other internal parts of the Submachine.
You select the eXtry-Point tool by clicking on the eXit-Point button in the State Machine Toolbox. At this point, when you hover the mouse over the active submachine diagram, the mouse pointer changes to the XP tool. To add an eXit-Point, move the mouse to the desired location of the eXit-Point on the boundary of the Submachine Diagram. At this point the mouse pointer changes to the eXit-Point with an anchor (), which indicates that you can anchor the eXit-Point at this edge. To anchor the point, release the mouse button.
An eXit-Point item can be configured by the eXit-Point Property Sheet.
The Initial Transition property sheet contains the following properties:
Every eXit-Point must have a name, which distinguishes this particular eXit-Point from other eXit-Points from the same Submachine. The eXit-Point name should be a valid function name in C or C++. Typically, you should strive for a short and punchy name that captures the nature of the state exited by the eXit-Point. The eXit-Point name shows up in the Text Box associated with the eXit-Point.