QM  7.0.1
Model-Based Design Tool
No Matches
QM Compiler (qmc)

Conditional CompilationRevision History

The QM™ installation folder contains the command-line utility called qmc (QM Compiler), which can generate code from a given QM model file. The qmc utility allows you to incorporate the code generation step into an automated build process, such as Makefiles, build scripts, or extra pre-compile steps in project files.

By design, the qmc utility generates identical code as the QM™ graphical tool. In particular, qmc is aware of the QM session file and applies the same QP licensing terms as QM™ (see also generating comments).

The qmc utility has been specifically designed to run on "headless" servers, where GUI libraries are not installed.

QMC Command-Line Arguments

QMC supports the following command-line options:

qmc 5.0.4 (c) Quantum Leaps. https://www.state-machine.com/qm

Usage: qmc <model-file> [-h][-c [item]]
or:    qmc [-h][-c [item]] [--] <model-file>

The argument <model-file> must be provided
The option -c [item] might be repeated multiple times
[item] is the fully-qualified model item name, e.g., ${foo::bar}

qmc my_model.qm (generate code for entire model "my_model.qm")
qmc xyz\my_model.qm (generate code for entire model "xyz\my_model.qm")
qmc D:\xyz\my_model.qm (generate code for entire model "D:\xyz\my_model.qm")
qmc -c ${pkgA} my_model.qm (generate code for item ${pkgA})
qmc -c -- my_model.qm (generate code for entire model "my_model.qm")
qmc my_model.qm -c ${pkgA} (generate code for item ${pkgA})
qmc my_model.qm -c ${pkgA} -c${pkgB::.} (generate code for item ${pkgA} and ${pkgB::.})
qmc my_model.qm -c ${.::main.c} (generate code for item ${.::main.c})

where <qm-model-file> stands for the QM model file to process. The <qm-model-file> can contain the whole absolute or relative path to the QM model file.

Invoking qmc on Windows

On Windows, the QMC executable is located in the <qm>/bin/ directory, where <qm> denotes the QM installation directory.

c:\qp\qm\bin\qmc.exe <qm-model-file>

Invoking qmc on Linux

On Linux, you invoke qmc by means of the shell script qmc.sh, which is located in the <qm>/bin/ directory, where <qm> denotes the directory, in which you have installed QM. Assuming that you have installed QM in /home/<user>/qp/qm, you can invoke the qmc as follows:

/home/<user>/qp/bin/qm.sh <qm-model-file>

where <qm-model-file> stands for the QM model file to process. The <qm-model-file> can contain the whole absolute or relative path to the QM model file.

Invoking qmc on MacOS

On MacOS, the qmc executable is located in the same bundle as the QM graphical modeling tool. Assuming that you have installed QM into the /Applications/ folder, you can invoke the qmc as follows:

/Applications/qm.app/Contents/MacOS/qmc <qm-model-file>

where <qm-model-file> stands for the QM model file to process. The <qm-model-file> can contain the whole absolute or relative path to the QM model file.

Conditional CompilationRevision History