QP real-time embedded framework (RTEF)

QP™ Real-Time Embedded Frameworks (RTEFs)

QP™ (Quantum Platform) is a family of real-time embedded frameworks (RTEFs) provide modern event driven architecture and runtime environment based on asynchronous Active Objects (Actors) and Hierarchical State Machines. This reusable architecture is inherently safer and more real-time than the “free threading” approach of a traditional RTOS. Ideal for ARM Cortex-M and other 32/16-bit microcontrollers. Also suitable for (embedded) Linux/POSIX.

Real-Time Embedded Frameworks for MCUs

The QP™ real-time embedded frameworks (RTEFs) provide modern software architecture that combines the event-driven model of concurrency, known as Active Objects (a.k.a. Actors), with Hierarchical State Machines. That architecture inherently supports and automatically enforces the best practices of concurrent programming. This results in applications that are safer, more responsive, and easier to manage than the “naked” threads and the myriad of blocking mechanisms of a traditional Real-Time Operating System (RTOS). The QP™ frameworks also provide a higher level of abstraction and the right abstractions to effectively apply graphical modeling and code generation to deeply embedded systems, such as MCUs based on ARM Cortex-M.

Slide: Paradigm Shift from RTOS (blocking) to RTEF (non-blocking)
Mechanisms useful in the traditional sequential programing (RTOS) and event-driven programming (RTEF)

QP™ Framework Structure and Components

QP framework block diagram
Block diagram showing the components of the QP™ framework and their relationship to the hardware and the application
QP Application consists of event-driven Active Objects that collectively deliver the intended functionality.
QP Framework: executes Active Objects
  • delivers Events;
  • dispatches Events to the internal State Machines of Active Objects;
  • manages memory for the mutable events;
  • provides timing services;
  • provides Functional Safety Subsystem for self-monitoring, error handling, and fault prevention both for QP Framework and QP Application;
  • provides software tracing system for debugging, optimizing, and testing.
Real-Time Kernel: provides scheduling and execution context for the Active Objects. This could be:
  • One of the kernels built-into QP Frameworks (see Standalone Operation):
    • non-preemptive QV kernel
    • preemptive, non-blocking QK kernel
    • preemptive, non-blocking/blocking QXK kernel
  • Alternatively, QP Framework can run on top of a 3-rd party RTOS kernel; or;
  • Alternatively, QP Framework can run on top of a General-Purpose OS (e.g., Linux/POSIX or Windows).
Board Support Package (BSP) consists of the low-level support code.
Target Hardware CPU, MCU, or DSP, such as ARM Cortex-M, ARM Cortex-R, MSP430, or any hardware supported by the real-time kernel used.

QP™ Framework Editions

The architecture just described can be implemented in various programming languages and optimized in various ways. Therefore, to address different market segments, QP™ is a family of frameworks, currently consisting of the following QP™ editions:

QP Framework EditionProgramming
API CompatibilitySafety FunctionsCertification ArtifactsLicensing
Standard QP editions
QP/CC (C11)Same as
AssertionsRequirements, Architecture & Design SpecificationsDual-licensing
(Open-source & Commercial)
QP/C++C++ (C++17)Same as
AssertionsRequirements, Architecture & Design SpecificationsDual-licensing
(Open-source & Commercial)
SafeQP editions engineered for functional safety
SafeQP/CC (C11) Same as
All identifiedComplete Certification Kit Commercial only
SafeQP/C++C++ (C++17)Same as
All identifiedComplete Certification KitCommercial only

All QP editions are accompanied by Requirements Specification, Architecture Specification, and Design Specification, which are the best source of information about the underlying concepts, functionality, architecture, and design of the QP Frameworks and the QP Applications based on the framework. The SafeQP frameworks additionally contain safety features required to achieve the higher safety integrity levels and come with much more extensive Certification Kits.

QP™ Highlights


QP™ applications consisting of event-driven active objects consume less memory, especially RAM, than equivalent solutions based on traditional RTOS threads.

Hard Real-Time

QP™ RTEFs combined with a preemptive, priority-based kernel are suitable for hard real-time applications. In fact, the non-blocking active objects are better suited for the RMS/RMA methods than the traditional blocking RTOS threads.

Market Leadership

With 15+ years of continuous refinement, the QP™ frameworks are the most established and popular offering of this type on the embedded software market.

Functional Safety Focus

All QP™ framework editions are a natural fit for safety-related applications because they implement a number of best practices highly recommended by the functional safety standards, such as strictly modular design (Active Objects) or hierarchical state machines (semi-formal methods). Indeed, for decades the standard QP/C and QP/C++ Frameworks have been widely used in safety-related applications, such as medical, aerospace, and industrial.

SafeQP Editions

The SafeQP editions take the functional safety focus to the next level by addressing the safety market explicitly. The SafeQP/C and SafeQP/C++ frameworks were originally derived from QP/C and QP/C++, respectively, but were extensively reengineered using compliant Software Safety Lifecycle (SSL). In this process, the QP framework functional model has been subjected to a full Hazard and Risk Analysis, which identified all areas of weakness within the functional model and API. These findings led to creation of Safety Requirements and risk mitigation by Safety Functions, which were subsequently implemented, verified, and validated in the SafeQP editions. Some of the Safety Functions implemented in the SafeQP/C and SafeQP/C++ Frameworks include:
  • Assertion Programming and Failure Assertion Programming
  • Event Delivery Guarantee
  • Data Flow Self-Monitoring
  • Data Integrity Self-Monitoring
    • Duplicate Inverse Storage
    • NULL Pointer Protection
    • Stack Overflow Detection
    • Stack Painting
    • High Watermark (for event-queues and event-pools)
  • Control Flow Self-Monitoring
    • Fixed Upper Loop Bounds
    • Invalid Control Flow
  • Spatial Isolation (dynamic MPU reconfiguration)
  • Software Systematic Capability, including:
    • MISRA-C:2023 Compliance
    • bi-directional traceability from Requirements, through Architecture, Design, Verification, and Validation.

The SafeQP editions remain fully API- and functionally compatible with the corresponding standard QP frameworks. This ensures existing QP Applications can transition seamlessly to SafeQP without requiring any modifications. SafeQP retains QP Frameworks' hallmark features, including a small memory footprint, excellent efficiency, and hard real-time functionality.

SafeQP Certification Kits

The SafeQP Frameworks are accompanied by the SafeQP/C Certification Kits, which provide developers with ready-to-use artifacts, enabling them to save time, mitigate risks, and reduce costs during application certification for safety-critical devices in the industrial, medical, aerospace, and automotive industries. The SafeQP Certification Kits consist of the following documents and artifacts:


  • Software Requirements Specification (DOC_SRS_QP) Defines the underlying concepts and specifies the features of SafeQP/C Framework.

Architecture and Design

  • Software Architecture Specification (DOC_SAS_QP) Provides a master plan for the overall organization, layering, operation, and interfaces of SafeQP/C Framework.
  • Software Design Specification (DOC_SDS_QP) Describes the main aspects of SafeQP/C Framework design.


  • MISRA-C:2023 Coding Standard Compliance (DOC_MISRA_QPC) Describes the compliance of QP/C Framework source code with the MISRA-C:2023 safe subset of C. Also provides system for checking MISRA-C:2023 compliance of SafeQP/C Applications.

Safety Case

Documents in this section are designed to provide a structured argument (safety case), supported by body of evidence, that the system is safe for a given application in a given environment. This safety case is the basis for claiming conformance to functional safety standards and integrity levels: IEC 61508 SIL 3, IEC 62304 Class C, ISO 26262 ASIL D.

  • Functional Safety Management Plan (DOC_FSM_QP) Specifies a systematic plan to manage activities necessary for SafeQP/C Framework software to achieve the required safety integrity levels. This document contains the following parts:
    • Traceabilty
    • Software Safety Lifecycle
    • Software Development Process
    • Software Operation & Maintenance
    • Documentation Management
  • Software Hazard and Risk Analysis (DOC_SHR_QP) Describes the functional safety analysis of the SafeQP/C Framework.
  • Software Safety Requirements Specification (DOC_SSR_QP) Defines the software safety requirements for SafeQP/C Framework in terms of software safety functions.
  • Software Safety Manual (DOC_SSM_QP) Provides comprehensive guidelines for ensuring safe use and integration of SafeQP/C Framework into SafeQP/C Applications.
  • Software Safety Validation Plan (DOC_SVP_QP) Specifies the activities and methods used to validate that SafeQP/C Framework meets its safety requirements and performs as intended in its operational environment.
  • Software Test Suite (code) Test suite accompanying the Software Safety Validation Plan to be executed on target.
  • Test (Unit) Results (DOC_TUR_QP) Provides unit testing logs and other testing evidence.
  • Test (Integration) Results (DOC_TIR_QP) Provides integration testing logs and other testing evidence.
  • Test (Validation) Results (DOC_TVR_QP) Provides validation testing logs and other testing evidence.

Some of the documents comprising the SafeQP/C Certification Kit are still under active development and are provided here in their preliminary versions.

Standalone (Bare-Metal) Operation

The QP™ RTEFs can run standalone, completely replacing the traditional RTOS. The frameworks contain a selection of built-in real-time kernels, such as the cooperative QV kernel, the preemptive non-blocking QK kernel, and the unique preemptive, dual-mode (blocking/non-blocking) QXK kernel. Standalone QP ports and ready-to-use examples are provided for ARM Cortex-M (M0-M7) as well as other CPUs.

You do not need to use a traditional RTOS just to achieve preemptive multitasking with QP. The built-in, preemptive QK and QXK kernels, support preemptive priority-based multitasking that is fully compatible with Rate Monotonic Scheduling to achieve guaranteed, hard real-time performance. These preemptive kernels perfectly match the run-to-completion execution semantics of active objects, yet are simpler, faster, and more efficient than the traditional blocking RTOS kernels.

Traditional RTOS Integration

RTOSes supported by QP
The QP™ RTEFs can also work with many traditional third-party RTOSes. QP ports and ready-to-use examples are provided for several RTOSes:
  • embOS
  • FreeRTOS
  • ThreadX
  • uC/OS-II
  • Zephyr

The most important reason why you might consider using a traditional RTOS kernel for executing event-driven QP™ applications is compatibility with the existing software. For example, many communication stacks (TCP/IP, USB, CAN, etc.) are designed for a traditional blocking kernel. In addition, a lot of legacy code requires blocking mechanisms, such as semaphores or time-delays. A traditional RTOS allows you to run the existing software components as regular blocking threads in parallel to the event-driven, non-blocking QP™ Active Objects.

General-Purpose Operating Systems

The QP™ RTEFs have been ported to General-Purpose Operating Systems:
  • POSIX, such as embedded Linux and other (RT)OSs with POSIX API, like QNX, INTEGRITY; and
  • Windows (Win32).

These QP™ ports can be used in the final devices or for the development and testing QP Applications on the host computers.

Raspberry PI Zero-W
POSIX and Linux

Example Evaluation Boards

QP™/C and QP™/C++ Feature Comparison

Most Recent Version (Revision History)
Latest Release Date
Intended target systems
(Representative hardware)
32-bit/16-bit MCUs
(ARM Cortex-M)
32-bit/16-bit MCUs
(ARM Cortex-M)
Supported by the free QM™ Model-Based Design tool
Maximum number of active objects6464
Dynamic events with arbitrary parameters
Automatic event recycling
Direct event posting (FIFO)
Direct event posting (LIFO)
Publish-Subscribe event delivery
Event deferral
Number of system clock tick ratesconfigurable (0..15)configurable (0..15)
Number of time events per active objectUnlimitedUnlimited
----------------------------------------------- State Machines -----------------------------------------------
Hierarchical State Machines (QHsm-strategy)
Hierarchical State Machines (QMsm-strategy)
Sub-machines and sub-machine states
----------------------------------------------- Built-in Kernels -----------------------------------------------
Preemptive non-blocking kernel (QK)
Preemptive blocking dual-mode kernel (QXK)
----------------------------------------------- 3rd-Party RTOS/OS -----------------------------------------------
Portable to 3rd-party RTOS kernels
Available port to POSIX (Linux, QNX, INTEGRITY, etc.)
Available port to Windows
----------------------------------------------- Testing/Profiling -----------------------------------------------
QP/Spy™ software tracing
QUTest™ Unit Testing Harness
MISRA complianceMISRA-C:2012
AUTOSAR-C++ complianceAUTOSAR-C++14
PC-Lint-Plus support package
-----------------------------------------------Licensing -----------------------------------------------
Open Source Licensing (GPL)
Closed Source (Commercial) Licensing

Legacy QP™ Development Kits (QDKs)

QP Development Kits (QDKs) were separate QP ports and examples for various embedded processors, toolsets and boards.

Why "Legacy"?

Starting with QP release 5.4.0, all officially supported ports and examples are bundled into the QP downloads, as opposed to being distributed as separate QP Development Kits (QDKs). The QDKs released for earlier QP versions are called “legacy-QDKs” and are available for download from SourceForge.

The "legacy-QDKs" are not recommended for new projects. The "legacy-QDKs" do not come with commercial support from Quantum Leaps, although questions about "legacy-QDKs" are welcome on the Free QP Support Forum

How to Find QDK You Want?

All “legacy QDKs” are distributed in ZIP archives named according to the following general convention:

  • qdkxxx denotes the QP framework type, whereas qdkc stands for QDK for QP/C, qdkcpp for QP/C++, and qdkn for QP-nano
  • <cpu> denotes a QDK for standalone QP for the given embedded CPU type, such as AVR, M16C, R8C, etc.
  • <rtos> denotes a QDK for QP running on top of a given RTOS, such as eCos, VxWorks, etc.
  • <toolset> denotes a port to specific toolset, such a IAR, GNU, Renesas, etc.
  • <board> denotes that the examples are for the specified boards, such as SKP3607, YRDKRX62N, etc.
  • <version> denotes the compatible version of the QP framework.

All QDKs have been developed and tested with the specified <version> of the QP framework. A QDK might work with the newer QP version as well, but might require some modifications.

QDK Installation

The installation procedure for most “legacy QDKs” is as follows:

  1. Download the QDK that you like and check its <version> number.
  2. Download and install (unzip) the corresponding QP <version>. For example, if your QDK file starts with qdkcpp_ and ends with _4.5.02, you should download and install QP/C++ version 4.5.02.
  3. Unzip the QDK to a temporary directory.
  4. Copy the contents of the QDK directory to the QP installation directory. For example, if your QDK unzipped into directory qdkcpp_avr-iar_4.5.02, you should copy the content of this directory inside the QP/C++ installation folder (typically, inside C:/qp/qpcpp/). Note that you will need to give your consent to overwrite the already existing directories examples/ and ports/.

QDK Documentation

Every “legacy QDK” contains the “QDK Manual” in PDF in the main directory of the ZIP archive.