Cute Creator
For a long time I’ve been looking for a good cross platform development environment that would allow fast exploration and navigation of C/C++ source code,
Category: Blog
For a long time I’ve been looking for a good cross platform development environment that would allow fast exploration and navigation of C/C++ source code,
Small MCUs Dominate the Computer Chip Market All life on earth is really just insects. Statistically speaking, that’s the deal. There are more different species
As hundreds of commercial and other RTOS offerings can attest, the greatest demand for third-party software in the embedded systems community is for the RTOS.
I’m constantly amazed how many developers shoot themselves in the foot by defeating the benefits of side-by-side source code differencing, which is perhaps the most
Embedded developers abandon C++ in droves. According to the 2007 survey published in the ESD magazine, the C++ use declined by one-third compared to year
“Many years ago there was an Emperor so exceedingly fond of new clothes… …one day came two swindlers. They let it be known they were
I’ve been listening to the recent webcast “Solving the Embedded Software Crisis” (see also Rich Nass’ column “The need for more programmers” in the May
Silicon Valley finally seems to be taking a serious look at “agile development” as a competitive advantage. Articles like “Reinventing the Software Development Strategy” by
I still remember the “Triumph of the Nerds” PBS special, where Steve Jobs recalled his early days at Apple and how the young Apple team
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